Monday, December 3, 2012

It's a Birthday Party... County Fair Style!

We hosted Merritt's class and close friends this weekend at her County Fair themed birthday party! There was a "photo op" booth, sack races, tin can knock down, a pie eating contest, a serve-yourself candy bar station, homemade caramel apples and gorgeous weather, to boot! I'll let the pictures tell the story!

This was the first of several legs of the sack race. We divided the groups out by height and I was amazed at how athletic (and competitive) some of those dainty little girls were! And yes, the burlap sacks are being converted into cute home decor items!

The tin can knock down was a hit as it was easy for any age group to set up and knock down with little grown up assistance (which was key at certain points of the day).

We had about 14 pie eaters (cherry and apple) and they did a great job! This was definitely the favorite activity of the day. The kids had about 3 minutes to see how much they could eat, which (at the most) ended up being the equivalent of about 2 big slices. A few of the kids even wanted to save their pies for later!

We had cupcakes for days (I'm looking at about 8 in my kitchen right now) and it was a sweet way to end a super fun day! Happy 11th birthday, my big girl!

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