Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Weee're baaaack!

So, I've taken a couple of months away from my blog to unpack, arrange, rearrange, do, redo, purchase completely decent furnishings and spackle, paint and recover them, etc. With two loads of clean laundry waiting for me to fold, I thought that this might be the perfect time to pick it back up again!

The following are just a few snapshots from the last two months!

Merritt and Jason have been feeding the fish (catfish, bream and a few little bass, oh and an alligator every now and again) protein pellets. We recently had an amazing fish fry with the freshest possible catfish available!

Our Fagan friends came for a very brief, but fun-filled few days! It was so great to see them and share our low country home with them, including taking them riding and learning about Dressage. We were short a helmet and Kohl was (obviously) less than happy. He ended up going on a guided trail ride with Mrs. Gini and having a blast!

We took a trip to Blue Ridge, GA to meet up with the Woodham clan (Uncle Hunter included). It was beautiful weather and the river was nice and cool. The kids loved tubing and even did a little gem mining (below) which was really super cool! They both have the gems that they "mined" on display in their rooms!

We stopped by to see Uncle Andy in Helen, GA at the winery. It was a really great visit, good pizza and a little good clean fun in the keg room (is that what it's called, Unc?)... Needless to say, I should've gotten two cases of Scarlett. We average about a case a month here (maybe two during football season).

We had a great start to school at St. Gregory! The kids both have new teachers and they've really enjoyed their classes. The first quarter is almost halfway over (can't even believe it) and the kids have their sights set on Principal's list (okay, so maybe that's more me than the kids...).

Jason has been perfecting his shrimping skills and I have to say,  it's been a real treat! He's gotten really good at throwing the cast net, culling out the small ones, etc. Now if we could just figure out a way to head, tail and peel the shrimp quicker, it would be a miracle (and our beer supply wouldn't be hit so hard).

Merritt has decided to take golf back up again. She's signed up for the St. Gregory golf team and has started practicing on Friday afternoons. Kohl is also taking lessons, although I think his favorite part is playing with all "the guys" afterwards. Pictures to come, for sure!

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