Monday, February 20, 2012

This is the culmination of weeks of schemes, threats, promises and a few graphic design obsessive compulsions. I created the laminated chore chart with the usual weekly tasks, but left room to be able to add bonuses (via a dry erase marker) for doing things that weren't asked of them. For example, spontaneously unloading the dishwasher can earn an extra 50¢. There are possibilities for deductions for things like leaving dirty clothes on the floor, being asked twice to do something, etc. I haven't yet had a deduction that stays on the chart very long, since they usually are motivated to get back "in the green." Lastly, I've streamlined/masterminded the allowance payment process (usually my downfall) by being able to deposit their earned money into their new savings accounts from my phone. How will I keep them from spending their earnings? A healthy dose of a little friendly sibling competition... (insert mwah ha ha cackle and hand-wrenching here). Did I mention that this was weeks of planning?

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